I have a 31 inch waist and generally prefer to
wear brief undies. I was shown how to
tie a fundoshi years ago but had forgotten until I was reminded by your own web
site. Your tip about shredding material gave
me the idea about getting some muslin.
It worked really well and was very cheap. I then decided to try the red and the grey
shiny materials. They also are very
cheap, about EUR 2.00 per metre. I think
they are nylon of some sort, definitely synthetic. Several other colours are available. I know you say silk would not work but I
think it might. I’d like to try it, but
silk is fairly expensive and I haven’t tried it yet. I was looking at a fabric that has some lycra
in it also and will probably get it some time."
"The muslin is comfortable to
wear at any time, even all day. The
synthetic material is OK for prolonged wear in cold weather but not when it is
warm. Then I feel rather sweaty and
uncomfortable. I definitely go for the
cock facing up position, but if I am very active my cock works itself in to a
sideways of down facing position. I have
to tie the fundoshi tighter to solve this; it’s no problem and it feels great."
Athletic use
"I take part in sports and do
a lot of running. I have tried various
things under the short running shorts, even going commando in very hot
weather. I think the best overall is a
jock strap with a narrow waist band.
Best overall until I tried the fundoshi which is just as good and a
fundoshi is about 1/20 the cost of a jock strap! Now if you go for the cock facing up position
it is best to have a low waist position, tie it really tight and wear it very
narrow at the front, basically holding your package in place. It is a bit more comfortable to go for the
cock facing down position and tie it a little less tight, but not loose. I still prefer the low waist position. Narrow or wide at the front doesn’t matter
with cock facing down."
On the beach
"A fundoshi should be OK
anywhere a thong is acceptable. Swimming
in a fundoshi is straightforward and much easier than in long or baggy
shorts. Actually, I think the latter are
dangerous to swim in. A fundoshi can be
made “more modest” than a thong if it is worn wide at the front."
Very nice pictures! I lked them all! Great account of his experience with Fundoshi.
Great account of Fundoshi! Loved it! D.
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