Japan's traditional winter "Naked Festivals" (Hadaka Matsuri) bring stupendous numbers of fundoshi-wearers out into the streets across the island nation -- in fact, wearing fundoshi (and only fundoshi) is required for participation in these ancient Shinto festivals.
You can read more about a lot more about Hadaka Matsuri here.

Very good photos, especially the writing on the back and buttocks.
A link from another festival...
Yes, isn't that beautiful painted script?
I noticed that not all the participants make sure their fundoshi is tied properly. In the first photo, you can see clearly that the crack between the buttocks of one of the fellows is totally exposed. In photo number 10, the fellow who hangs from the rope allows a bit of testicle and penis to be exposed.
I'm guessing that the physicality of the event leads to some wardrobe malfunctions -- and no doubt this is the one time of year that some of the participants wear fundoshi, so they may not have it entirely mastered.
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