
14 April 2020

Health and Wellness Check-In



I don't write as often as I used to for this blog. I usually prefer to let the pictures do the talking. However I know that no matter where you live in the world, the last few months have changed life dramatically. Many of us are sheltering in place, under government orders to socially distance from other people, or we have had our work lives seriously disrupted due to COVID-19.

I want to take a moment and reach across whatever oceans lay between us and express my unity with each of you as we struggle with the new situation this virus has brought to our lives. If you have fallen sick, or had loved ones who have died, I want to wish healing for you. I want you to know how profoundly sad I am for the loss of precious lives each day. Many of us are cut off from friends, families, and coworkers. The people we care for the most are the people we need to avoid, to keep them safe. And to keep us all safe.

While we are isolated, or in quarantine, it's easy to lose track of the days, or to let our motivations slip. I'd like to engage in a project with you while we pass these difficult days: let's express our love of fundoshi together.

Please feel welcome to share your photos with the readers of this blog. Show us your fundoshi, but also please share a little bit about how you're doing, how you're feeling, and how you're dealing with the challenges of the pandemic. Be seen. We may not be able to gather in public, but we can gather here and share our interest in fundoshi, while also sharing in some precious community.

You're always welcome to email me, to talk or to share pictures. Here's how to contact me.

I'm thinking of your safety and health in the days ahead of us, and praying for us all in my own special way. I love you!

この翻訳の文法上の誤りを許しなさい  :)








1 comment:

  1. i've just now come across your wonderful blog here. thank you for keeping it up and running for as long as you have. will likely keep reading through it backwards over the next few weeks here, as well as keep up with it going forward.

    Thank you
