
08 March 2023

Thank You for Over a Decade of Support

Fundoshi friends, the time has come to retire this blog. Over the past few years, the demands of life have left me less and less time to organize quality content for Fundoshi4All. Although my love of fundoshi remains undimmed (I’m wearing a fundoshi right now), the time and energy to craft a meaningful blog are just not available in the supply needed for me to feel good about the end product.

I don’t plan to delete the blog or any of its content. Fundoshi4All will stay right here. I may even occasionally publish a new post. I welcome people to continue to reach out and share their own fundoshi experiences and photos, ask questions, or just talk. My contact info can be found in the nav bar above. I’ve met many wonderful people worldwide through a shared appreciation for this simple, versatile strip of fabric, and those cherished relationships will carry on.

The past year has been very rough on me, personally. I’m doing okay, I’m safe and working my way back to a happy and stable place. But there’s still work to do, and I need to re-dedicate myself to that cause.

It has been an honor and a pleasure to post about fundoshi here, over the past 14 years. I hope many of you will feel inspired to wear and share fundoshi for many more years to come. Perhaps you’ll start your own blogs, or clubs, or friendships that also spring from this millennia-old Japanese wrapped garment.

Thank you for all the support and encouragement!

Ryan Rokushaku 

p.s. if you use Twitter you can follow my new profile @RyanMIRokushaku

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