
04 September 2021

Meet the Readers: Fundoshiguy & susushi999


As I'm sure followers of this blog already know, reader interactions are my very favorite content to share. If I could only blog reader submissions for the rest of the year it would be amazing!

There's a link in the page navbar that initiates your own photos appearing right here in these venerable pages ;) 

Here are two fundoshi enthusiasts I started following on Twitter: @susushi999 and @fundoshiguy. Drawn in by their posts, I reached out and asked if they might enjoy being featured here at Fundoshi4All. 

I encourage everyone to follow them and see more of their content! Find pictures and their fundoshi experiences in their own words after the jump! Let's go:


F4A : 

susushi999 is a university student in Finland who I met through Twitter, and we started a conversation. 

How did you first get interested in fundoshi?

susushi999 : 

"Fundoshi has been presented in Japanese art, which I'm really interested about. After seeing woodblock paintings and pictures of people wearing fundoshi in Japanese summer festivals, I really wanted to try fundoshi too."

F4A : 

What was it like learning to tie a fundoshi?

susushi999 : 

"It was fun (and a bit arousing) experience! I just Googled how it is done. I did not have a loincloth, but I sewed one from a bedsheet. To this day, I still only have fundoshi sewn by me."

F4A :

That's how I learned to tie fundoshi too, with a bedsheet and instructions someone posted online, on Geocities.

How often do you wear fundoshi, and in what kind if situations?

susushi999 :

"Maybe once a month for my own fun. I'm pretty new to this and haven't gotten used to wearing them daily. I think new fundoshis from different materials and with beautiful patterns would get me to wear them more often!"

F4A :

I for one would love to see you dressed in all different fundoshi! I bet readers would enjoy seeing you, too.

Do you have any future plans or daydreams that involve fundoshi? 

susushi999 : 

"Yes! My dream would be to attend a summer festival wearing Fundoshi and Happi! Of course there's an erotic side of Fundoshi for me, but maybe I could keep my head cool for that time :) "

F4A : 

Thanks for sharing these great images, and for offering me the chance to edit and filter some of them. It was fun! I hope you enjoy the result. I've mixed in some of your original untouched photos, and I like the atmosphere they create together.


Fundoshiguy is a 40-year old man based in the UK, who I also got acquainted with after following his own superb fundoshi-themed Twitter. I think these photos clearly demonstrate his enthusiasm for fundoshi, and are an erotic treat for the senses!

Fundoshiguy's DMs are open! He'd love to connect with anyone who has similar interests.

F4A :

How did you first become interested in fundoshi?

Fundoshiguy :

"When I was a teenager, I saw some pictures from Nanokado Hadaka Mairi in my college library (innocent research for an assignment about different cultures, honestly!) I still remember the intense physical sensation that hit me when I saw all those men publicly exposed, and I was fascinated by the twisted cloth riding up their asses. My stomach flipped, I experienced a deep arousal I'd not felt before. 

I know how culturally important these festivals  (including Hakata Gion Yamakasa) are in Japan and they're in no way sexual, but I guess I was discovering my sexuality at that time and it was such a formative experience that the erotic association with fundoshi has stayed with me."

F4A :

I think I know exactly what you mean. My first encounters with fundoshi were in Time-Life books about Japan and issues of National Geographic magazine. Cultural documentation, not sexualized, but still reaching me on a physical level. I really wanted to wear one, from the moment I first saw fundoshi. 

What was it like learning to tie a fundoshi?

Fundoshiguy :  

"In my 20s, I was lucky enough to meet an older Japanese businessman (long story, get in touch to find out!) who encouraged my sexual exploration whenever he visited over the years (including the pleasure of 'tightening' a fundoshi). Initially, I didn't learn to tie it myself as he tightened it for me and the intensely intimate sensation of someone else touching, wrapping, and tying me was a big part of the pleasure.

In later years, I've learnt to tie it myself by following Twitter accounts like @136_884, @tanukifundoshi, and of course @RyanRokushaku! I buy fundoshi from the @fundoshitaro eBay store but also like to wear a more simple loincloth (what I think is known as a black cat or 黒猫). I particularly like the look and feeling of those made by @marukyu7 and @Propagandatokyo.

The tightening is still a real turn on for me, I can't help but get aroused whenever I wear one."

F4A :

How often do you wear fundoshi, and in what kind of situations? 

Fundoshiguy : 

"Although I enjoy wearing fundoshi with other men, I wear it for myself whenever I feel the erotic pull or just want to relax.

It's taken a lot of practice and confidence, but I've worn it under a suit a few times at work (feeling the knots pulling and rubbing under a suit is intense, as is the feeling of hiding a secret!) I've worn fundoshi out to bars, as it's helped me exude a confident sexual energy, I think. Now, I even wear it naked at home just to relax. 

It makes me feel connected to my body and desire in a way nothing else does. It's increasingly become an activity that's just for me; to feel relaxed, aroused and connected. 

I don't overdo it though, I don't want it to become an everyday thing, just for when the mood takes :) "

F4A :

Do you have any future plans or daydreams that involve fundoshi?

Fundoshiguy : 

"I still want to travel to Japan;  I hope to go in 2022 (I had firm plans until COVID happened). I'd like to go when I'm still young enough to physically do everything I daydream about! I've never been to an onsen and it's something I really want to do; a fantasy is to relax in a bathhouse or hot spring wearing fundoshi and to meet men for friendship, sex or just conversation. 

Just to wear fundoshi openly and publicly would be a big dream come true. To sunbathe on a beach and get a fundoshi tanline would be hot too!

I'd just like to hang out with more guys who like wearing it, not just for sex but for the intimacy that come from wearing it.

I'm always open to hear from anyone across the world for friendship or conversation based on mutual interest!"

F4A :

I definitely daydream about similar intimacy, wearing fundoshi by the seaside or for lounging at home with a friend. It's both a simple garment and a profound one; both utilitarian and sensuous.

Quite honestly I'm daydreaming about spending time with both of you, sharing our appreciation of fundoshi together :)

Thank you Fundoshiguy for sharing your amazing photos, with a raw and untethered masculine energy very literally bursting out of your loincloth. The stuff of my favorite kind of daydreams!

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This post took me a while to complete. I hope it was worth the wait! I got called out of town unexpectedly, then returned to find Blogger was not allowing image uploads (a known issue they are hopefully fixing). I spent all morning today figuring out an alternative way to get photos into the post. The solution ended up ridiculously simple (use a different browser). Apologies for the delay, I know susushi999 and Fundoshiguy both have been patiently waiting.

Can we get some more reader submissions before the New Year? I hope so. I know readers enjoy it as much as I do.

Be sure to check out some if the Twitter links provided above. There are many fundoshi enthusiasts on Twitter... including me!

And, as always don't share someone else's photos without their permission. Both susushi999 and Fundoshiguy were kind enough to lend images to this blog, for which I'm very grateful. 

If you'd like to share a link to this post, that's the best way to show these photos to your friends and followers while keeping image ownership and copyright intact.


  1. Just a note that I am temporarily locked out of my email account.

    When I was struggling to upload photos for this blog post, I cleared my cache, cookies and browser history… which signed me out of everything! Of course I don’t have all my passwords written down anywhere. I’m having trouble getting signed back in, so I apologize for any delays while I regain my account access.

  2. I've replaced the old email with a new one See the "Share it!" tab at the top of the page to get in touch!

    Unfortunately this means I can't access my contacts in the old account, so I apologize if I have missed any messages. I'd love to hear from you if we were emailing at the old address.

  3. thanks god that you find the way to sign in
