
23 February 2021

Hadaka Matsuri 2021 Season

Saturday, February 20 was the Saidai-Ji Eyo, one of the largest Naked Festivals in Japan, held annually for over 500 years. The winter festival is attended by over 9,000 participants and is probably the outside world's largest exposure to fundoshi as that is all that is worn.

After much consideration, this ancient Shinto festival was altered this year due to the ongoing pandemic. Attendance was limited. Crowds were not allowed inside the temple. While the interruption of tradition is unfortunate,  it was made with life and safety in mind and to make sure everyone will be around to enjoy future naked festivals.

Let's all attend in the future when it safe again!


(Enjoy a selection of Matsuri images from past years after the break)


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  3. Are you not posting here anymore? Miss the frequent posts.

    1. I still post but I have slowed down the last couple years. I kept up a weekly schedule for a long time and during that time I also kept adding other responsibilities to my life (and other fun stuff too). So as a compromise with all that I allowed myself to ease up a bit. Thank you for the comment! Please let me know what stuff you really like to see. Feel free to email any time.

    2. Merci de consacrer beaucoup de temps pour notre plaisir des yeux 😍

  4. ◎ 50才以上の男同士の、ハードSM写真が欲しいけど、なかなか出てきません。悲しい、淋しい事です。丸坊主の褌常用の極M男を奴隷調教したい50才以上の褌常用の極S男が居れば《》に連絡を待ってる。宜しく!! 赤褌忠造

  5. That is so cool! I wish they would have festivals like that in the US.
    Those are unique looking shoes that some of the guys are wearing. What are they and where can you get them?
