get wrapped up in Japan's oldest menswear! Fundoshi (褌) is a simple length of fabric worn as a loincloth in Japan for over 1,200 years. 褌を締めてかかる
03 October 2017
How Gay is this Blog?
The extreme ends of the Kinsey Scale seem old-fashioned as society forges its way toward individual equality. Humans have proven not to be as clear-cut beings as 100% straight or 100% gay. We truly inhabit all the colors of the rainbow.
Although the content of Fundoshi4 All favors homoeroticism, this is truly a reflection of the fundoshi-related imagery available online, rather than a wish to isolate interest in fundoshi to just men who enjoy men. I have no doubt that beyond the confines of the internet, people of all sorts and all shapes are enjoying fundoshi as an undergarment, as ritual wear, for comfort or indeed for the purpose of male lust.
I've always tried to be a realist about my interest in fundoshi. I certainly think the idea is ingenious and timeless, however it would be difficult to fully discuss and display the fundoshi without acknowledging the contents: the genitals and the anus. The fundoshi neatly and beautifully contains the reproductive apparatus and our organs of elimination. Worn close to the most personal parts of the skin, the fundoshi is witness to a full spectrum of bodily functions from delicate to strenuous, from arousal to flatulance.
Like any loincloth, and like our modern underwear, the fundoshi draws the eyes to the genitals at the same time that it covers them (as observed by Steinmayer), a bridge between modesty and functionality. While the fundoshi can serve admirably as a utilitarian garment, it is more often displayed online under semi-erotic conditions.
Or fully erotic conditions:
In countries where genitalia must be pixelated, fundoshi can greatly enhance porn, lending both a sense of anticipation and a reprieve from the blurred out flesh rods one never quite gets to see... Interestingly, while male and female genitals must be censored in Japan and some other Asian locales, the anus is shown clearly. This is almost an inversion of Western sensibilities, which would censor the anus first, before anything else!
More rewarding to me is when the fundoshi is simply moved to one side -- either from the front or from behind, to facilitate sexual action. Once again while this occurs periodically in a heterosexual context or worn by a female model, those are definitely outnumbered by gay scenes.
In nations where genitalia isn't censored, this is a non-issue. It's especially nice to see fundoshi scenes filmed in those countries. Without the visual interruption of censoring, the clean fluid lines of the fundoshi can be fully appreciated free of distractions. As can the aroused bodies of the participants.
One very eye-catching feature of the fundoshi is how it frames human buttocks, with its long twists of fabric bisecting the cheeks to cup the wearer's genital. This makes fundoshi popular apparel in the Asian gay community especially.
It's interesting to juxtapose the fundoshi's traditional identity as a garment of purity, with its heightened erotic charge for some enthusiasts. Simple fundoshi-like garments are often the sole attire of ascetics from many traditions, symbolizing modesty and freedom from possessions. Ghandi adopted and wore solely a loincloth and shawl, encouraging others to do the same. Something about this most basic garment is rooted in humankind's lost connection with our planet. Much as we've become unmoored from the environment, could near-nakedness have lost it's simplicity?
Fundoshi is both a humble and a humbling piece of cloth that has only accumulated a further air of eroticism in our new age of expanded communication, and its expanded censorship and prudery.
A fundoshi is not by default a sexualized item, but it's design and ingenuity do allow for a broad range of sexual activities. Outside of its simple purpose of gathering and protecting the genitals (both from injury and from view), the fundoshi itself is wonderfully, sensually versatile. It incorporates into lovemaking like few other things, easily occupying the roles of underwear, leash, cuffs, blindfold, harness, or gag. Seconds before it was just a long warm ribbon of cloth, disentangled from its wearer's hips by their diligent lover.
There is no true Western equivalent. Some have suggested the jockstrap, due to it's similar role in masculinity, contests of strength, and the fighting arts; I feel that comparison leaves out the ascetic, ritual, and customary functions of the fundoshi, frequently all that is worn during festivals and parades in its native land. Jockstraps have no similar spiritual or traditional connection. Jockstraps are never all that's worn for community celebrations of masculinity... but imagine how amazing it would be if they were!
In conclusion, while masculine sensuality is unavoidable in a blog promoting the fundoshi, this isn't to suggest the author doesn't deeply appreciate homoerotic imagery. I'm a bisexual male with a healthy appetite, I think that says it all. I understand it's not always to everyone's taste: some would prefer only stoic, nonsexual poses; some would prefer entirely homosexual content. I want both. I want new types of fundoshi expression that neither staunch category contains. I feel our society is on the cusp of a breakthrough in sexual transparency, or a slide back into don't ask-don't tell. I advocate for the former. Since I hope to truly share ALL fundoshi-related material, with the noble fundoshi being enjoyed by all kinds of people in all kinds of situations, I could never promise anything as limiting as all stoic, nor as all erotic.
The illustrations selected for this collection of thoughts are a little tongue-in-cheek, shall we say?
I hope you will continue to enjoy Fundoshi4All, make suggestions, submit content, and spread the word of fundoshi -- however you do it, gay, straight, or in between -- in real life and on social media.
Thank you for learning all about fundoshi alongside me. May we see many minds and hearts open in our lifetime.
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