
03 January 2017

Best of 2016 Reader Submissions

[ UPDATE: I improved this entry, which was initially posted in bit of a rush, by adding all the reader's names to the photo sets -- an essential detail. I'm in the process of adding tags to every reader submission so it's easier to navigate and see all of each reader's submissions. ]

 Hello 2017! I hope everyone had a nice New Year celebration. I'm excited to bring you lots more fundoshi content this year. One of the things I'm especially keen to do is publish even more original content created by readers, such as the outstanding reader submissions I received in 2016 and previous years. You can see the full posts by clicking that link.

Below is a collection of submissions from last year that give a taste of the variety represented by F4A!'s readership:




SG Neo





As always, I ask that everyone respect the creators of these images and don't re-post these photos without permission from the authors. It's OK to post a link to this article though. Share the fundoshi love, we are going to need all the love we can get in 2017!

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