
16 August 2016

Meet The Readers: SG Neo and Euphoria

I'm sure everyone knows this already, but I love receiving reader submissions and seeing who is out there wearing and enjoying fundoshi. I've been getting some excellent photos from friends scattered across the web and the world, and I'm excited to share two of them with you this week.

First is SG Neo, a new online friend who offered me a wealth of great images displaying his body in fundoshi and exploring ways fundoshi can be artistically and erotically represented:

Euphoria is a friend from USG-Online who wears his fundoshi quite well:

I would definitely like to see more fundoshi-clad entries from either of these men!

If any readers would like to submit photos, please do!

No matter your body style nor your camera skills, we want to see you. If you've submitted pics in the past, we'd like to see you again! It's always good to catch up and admire each other in this worldwide fundoshi community.

And as usual, there is a small amount of fine print: please don't re-post images that don't belong to you without clear permission from the owner. It is 100% OK to share a link to this article or to give it a +1, I would encourage you to do so for anything on this blog, but poaching images by re-uploading them somewhere else is impolite and can cause bad feeling.

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