
03 November 2015

Fundoshi Art: Levels Of Eroticism

It's been a little while since we last looked at a batch of artwork featuring the fundoshi. I'm happy to report that fundoshi seems to be appearing in a wider array of fine art and comic art than ever. For this post I'd like to look at comic book-style artwork: from manga, anime, barazouku, etc.

Although depictions of fundoshi range in erotic quality from bottled masculinity to full-bore uncensored sex of all kinds, there are a few general categories I've given names: the Funny Peek, The Awkwardly Erotic Instructional, The Semi-Unintended Glimpse, The Male Roar, The Slip-Up.

There's always something I've found teasingly erotic about fundoshi instructions. The youth or damsel demonstrating might be pink cheeked or wide-eyed, aware of the viewer out of the corner of their eye. They are being slowly wrapped up, rather than denuded. Contained, rather than exposed.

Does anyone recall the image above, from the 1980s-era comic Elfquest? This is a fairly rare Western depiction of a fundoshi, or at least a very fundoshi-like garment. If memory serves, it was a bit wider in the seat than the thong-like look of a fundoshi.

One can't really discuss the manga-style depiction of fundoshi, especially in the gay muscle genre, without speaking of Gengoroh Tagame.

Below are a series of often rawly sexual images that are indebted to Tagame's work in the genre, either consciously or unconsciously. I'm betting consciously in almost every case!



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