
10 March 2015

Catching Up With Fundoshi 4 All!

About a year ago, the Friends/Links page got all messed up.

Somehow while I was editing it, I deleted a large portion of the reader photos! Aaaaaarghh. Well, that was frustrating, and I wasn't even sure who I had lost so I left it be lest I mess it up even more. If you were wondering where your picture went, that's probably where!

I finally got a chance to work on the page for a while today, and I THINK I got it all restored and cleaned up!

Please click here (or in the menu bar above) to check it out.

There are pics of many of your fellow readers and links to their personal sites and blogs, all of which are fantastic.

If I somehow missed someone or you'd like a link updated let me know and I'll fix it ASAP.

If you'd like to be included in the fun, e-mail me some pics.

OK, with that business out of the way, here's some eye candy from the internet.

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