
03 September 2013

Fundoshi Diaspora!

If you haven't been reading along with it so far, you should -- Alan, one of our readers has begun a fundoshi-themed blog of his own, based on photography and fabric.  It's fantastic.

(that's Alan in his fundoshi, to the left!)

One of the goals when I set out to blog about fundoshi was to get others involved. To build a community. To move people to try on a fundoshi, or to tie a fundoshi on their mate.  It's been really great to find out that I'm definitely not the first person to think of this!  There are many great fundoshi blogs, groups, and forums out there.

It's going to be my goal to link these, and make a page for those links where you can easily get to pages like Alan's, or ShyC's, or zzzDragon's, or Brian Li's.  If you've got a fundoshi-themed site you'd like linked, please leave the url in a comment or message me.

It'll be a great day when everyone knows what a fundoshi is, and when it's just one of those choices like boxers or briefs, or swim trunks.

There's some pictures after the jump, both of fundoshis and shimekomis!

1 comment:

  1. 3rd last pic from the bottom seems rather interesting. The way it is knotted and pull up from the front.
