
06 April 2013

Brian Li's Fundoshi Blog

While rooting around on the internet for new fundoshi-loving exhibitionists, I stumbled across Brian Li's relatively new B. Li's Life Style blog.  Once again, the language barrier makes it hard to be sure what Brian likes the most about fundoshi wearing, but the pictures leave no doubt that Brian feels sexy and turned on when he's wrapped up.

He has an entirely lovely body and enjoys showing us his fundoshi, sometimes wet, sometimes bulging, always seductively clasping his nicely rounded young man's hips.  I'm really looking forward to more from Brian!


I'd like to thank him for kind permission to share these with you. These images are copywritten and all rights are reserved. Please do not share these images without his prior permission.


  1. Just a heads up that there are three VERY HOT gay erotic fundoshi video clips up at the Fundoshi4 All tumblr:

    They're about 10 minutes each, sweaty and nicely wrapped. So horny right now!

  2. Hot stuff here and thanks for the link. That first video was amazing. The trick is just to relax and let your buddy's body become part of yours. Great stuff!

  3. I had to watch the second one too...even hotter!. I have a wet spot on my fundoshi right now.

  4. I've watched the first one, with the purple fundoshi that gets cum-soaked, over and over.

  5. It's amazing how a little twist of fabric can heighten the eroticism so much!

    Also, Brian Li posted about being featured on Fundoshi 4 All! I think he enjoyed the exposure, because there's LOTS of new pictures in the post. So happy he likes being featured on this site.
