
11 July 2012

Fundoshi: Better With A Buddy II






or buddies...

no matter what you're up to!


  1. I have found that there really is something special about wearing nothing but a fundoshi and being with a buddy or a group of guys also wearing them. It's a bond that at first is a "I have the guts to do this too" but then becomes something more. It becomes a club or brotherhood, a family-like feeling where we are brought together by what we wear but also by our masculinity and then walls start falling. My fundoshi parties have been great opportunities to talk, eat, drink, swim and touch. Guys who would never walk up to another guy and touch his bare butt or his package feel free to do so and yeah, it feels good to be checked out and to check out another guy. Erections become points of pride rather than something to hide and be ashamed of. It's an intimate form of bonding and some choose to hookup and take that intimacy to the next level and it's okay. We're being guys. We're enjoying our bodies without fear or restrictions that others and society want to place on it. I have found my fundoshi to be a very liberating piece of cloth.

  2. I thought this was a blog about fundoshi, not nanshoku... :D

  3. I would be more gateful than pleased to see sch photos around a general theme.

  4. grateful even

  5. It's not being 'picky' at all, but the fact is, the content of this blog has gotten more and more explicit, and more and more homoerotic in the past 12 months. Previous articles by the blog owner mentioned that the facebook page was closed down due to 'adult material', and early posts were indeed on topic. I used to manage a porn store, so believe me when I say I'm no prude, and have no issue with naked guys, but at the end of the day, if I wanted to be looking at guys sucking each other off, I would google 'gay porn'. I stumbled across this blog while doing research into fundoshi, found it incredibly helpful, and contributed my own articles to 'pay back' for what I learned. I've been less and less comfortable with the nature of the comments being left as the year has past. 12 months ago, I was happy to discuss fundoshi with real-world friends, and link to this blog as reference. Sadly, I cannot say that is the case anymore. Your snotty attitude is the final nail in the coffin lid, and I'm done with this... Ry, thanks for creating such a resource, it's a shame it has ended up getting as fetishized as it has... Domo arigato, and sayonara.

    1. I'm sorry this happened. I enjoyed Tim's input a lot! I know everything can't be for everyone, and I can't try to be everything TO everyone, so I've just been trying to "follow the river." The great majority of fundoshi-related stuff online, which Fundoshi 4 All is a sort of digest of, is sexually-related and quite a bit of it is same-sex oriented. So I think by nature the blog reflects that sort of trend. There IS a lot more to it, and hopefully we'll get to that over time. I have some artist interviews and other things in the works. Be patient, come and go as you please, and don't hesitate to offer input or make requests. I'll do what I can!

    2. Ry, I totally get what you are meaning and where you come from, and in that regard, you have nothing to apologize for. The content itself does not bother me so much as the comments of some others, as it is stuff which would be better suited to either a discussion forum or private messages, not comments to the articles (John, I'm not refering to your comments here at all) I guess it depends what you want the blog to be about, what you want to represent, what you want to achieve. For example, your early posts specifically mentioned not wanting to discuss personal details/matters with others, and sounded genuinely down that the facebook page had been closed due to disagreements over content. You posted how if women were to look through lingerie catalogues, it was accepted and viewed as the norm, but if a man was to look through an underwear catalogue, he was wrongly viewed by society as being a homo (I use the term to express society's prejudice, not my own) and I respected how you wanted to change that perception. As I've said many times before, I simply do not view fundoshi as fetish items, or even really erotic, I simply view them as an item of clothing. I can understand that for others, the fundoshi is a fetish item, but as you say, there IS a lot more to it than that, and I don't like seeing 1300 years of history being lowered by 'discussions' which are little more than online circle-jerking. As I said, I managed a porn store in the past, I am NOT offended by or afraid of the male form in any way, I'm just saying that if I wanted to see dudes sucking each other off, that's what google is for, rather than thinking "This might be an entry with some amusing shennanigans..." Only to scroll down to see Takeshi and Tetsuo indulging in nanshoku... Hence my tongue in cheek comment, but what I really objected to, was Achilles' comment about being 'picky' and the suggestion that I should be 'greatful'. Considering I have written articles for the blog, I think that shows my level of 'gratitude'... Personally speaking, I would 'reorganize' the blog to more distinctly separate the 'functional and historical' posts, from the 'fun and informative', with the NSFW in another section altogether. As I mentioned, I used to have no issue linking others to this blog as a source of reference. At present, I feel unable to do that, because I feel that some of the content and comments cross the line from educational, and would be poorly received by those simply wanting to learn how to tie a fundoshi. As I said, it's about what you want to represent, and how you wish to present the fundoshi. If it is to be viewed solely as an eccentric's fetish garment, fair enough, but if you wish it to be presented in a more balanced way as a true alternative underwear that can appeal to all (regardless of their orientations) then a little moderation needs to be put in place. It's like you say about the fundoshi itself: It contains, but does not restrain the male potency, but at the moment, not only has the pouch slipped to the side, but fundoshi-san is running down the street with his cock and balls on view to the passers by... I hope that's suitably constructive criticism :)

      PS The White Fundoshi really needs to be a gay character so the purity of his loyalty to the Empress is not tainted by any lustfull aspects

    3. Heard. About a year (or so?) ago I changed the content settings for the blog to "Adult" with the feeling that it would open things up, as far as peoples' reserve was concerned. I think I also realized that this would also evolve into a spectrum of sexuality, though I've always tried to make the blog non-specific as far as sexual orientations go.

      Realizing that this would effectively restrict access to basic info about the fundoshi, last August I started which is a clean "Fundoshi 101" that can be linked and shared, and I hope this addresses some of what you're hoping for!

      Also, I'm kind of a minority I suppose in that I don't interpret unrest in the readership as a bad thing necessarily -- I'd love it if someone said to themself, "this isn't quite what I need/want," and went off to start their own blog or website. I think it's important for the spread of fundoshi that there be many more English-speaking outlets than this one, and if anyone would like my assistance in any way with constructing their own outlet, or their own online store that sells fundoshi, or any other contributions at all I'd be excited to help!

    4. I think that while changing the content setting to adult does give the warning of what may be to come, it also seems to have simply 'released the floodgate', rather than simply 'opening up'... For example, not all content on the blog is adult, but equally some is, and once beyond that gateway (to even view the blog) there is no further distinction or warning given as to what may or may not be pornographic rather than artistic, and I think that is the key distinction between the levels of content, as with the comments. If I wanted gay porn/gay chat, there're forums and websites for that, and while I do acknowledge that a subject like this is occasionally going to exist somewhat in a grey area between the two, I think that the cultural and historical posts just deserve a little separation, hense my suggestion to create more distinct 'sections of reference'. As for setting up my own blog, I wouldn't dream of trying to do so, as it would only be a pale imitation of what you have achieved here and little more than copy/pasted photos. I guess all I'm saying, is at the beginning, you were very clear about your goals, and I think a little tweaking would allow you to not only get the blog fully on track to creating that legitimate and professional presentation of an alternative garment, but ALSO create an area where folks could discuss everything from fundoshi and sexual tastes, to other interests like movies, music, cars, watches etc, and create a true community :) For example, having a 'Comment on Irezumi Blog thread' on a forum would still allow the more 'masculine discussions', but they wouldn't be automaticaly seen by people who were simply reading the article or viewing the images. As above, I'm not trying to slam what you've accomplished, just trying to give some constructive criticism on the very definite 'change of pace' which I've seen over the past year, but been unable to comment on till now :D

    5. PS If anything, and only if possible, I would switch the names round, so fundoshi4all was the clean site, with fundoshiphile for the NSFW content :)

  6. Geez. Some take things way too seriously but as he is gone, oh well. But where does one go after exploring a strip of cloth from every possible angle? It has to become about the wearing, use, fun, fantasy of it all. Otherwise it's just repetition of "This is what it is...this is how you make one..." and then the blog becomes a postcard. This blog has helped me explore my own fantasies and connect with others for some mildly erotic fun and games which have been healthy, respectful, fun and have helped me toss the standards others wish to impose. The fact is, I'm enjoying life more because I'm no longer living it based on someone else's book. I was very timid about fundoshi when I first came here. Now I answer the door in one and if someone chooses to be shocked or offended, that's just tough. It's my house, my door, my doorbell. I have grown a lot through personal experimentation and through sharing with others here and it's been good. If this isn't one person's cup of tea, that's also fine and we all have to make our own choices.

    I'm learning to be happy in my own skin and to relate to other guys on a different level. We can touch and hug and swim naked and swap garments and do it all in good fun, not only without a threat to our masculinity, but while enhancing it. A year ago I never could have hugged a near-naked friend, felt his heart beating against mine and told him how much he meant to me. The "brotherhood" of this small piece of cloth took me there with a number of friends. Then we can go back to our lives, our partners and be more fulfilled as human beings and as males. The selfishness of the bedroom is gone. I've learned to give pleasure knowing my partner is looking to do the same for me. I'm a better person a year on. This catalyst for change and growth has been very positive and losing the fear of following where it takes me has been great. It has taken me in directions I never even thought were there and I'm fine with that. Not everything I see here "works" for me, but I'm fine with that too. Not every book in the library is one I want to read but it is important for them to be there. I'm grateful for the personal growth this blog has helped propel me into over the past year.

  7. And John, keep doing so. I'm grateful for the site, for putting a name to my interest. And as it happens, next week I am playing Puck in an outdoor production of Midsummer Night's dream wearing little more than mud and a fundoshi adorned with leaves.

    1. That sounds like a perfect costume for Puck. He's all about fun and mischief and just a hint of naughtiness to come but always in a happy, non-threatening way. Have a great time with the part!
